Peter Fresacher
T +31 20 22 70 700
F +31 20 22 70 717
E pjf@dfls.nl
Peter J. Fresacher (1956) is co-founder and shareholder of DFLS Legal & Tax. In 1985 Peter was sworn in as a lawyer at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands and in 1996 he joined a law firm in Amsterdam.
He gained his (international) experience in the legal department of a multinational and, for 30 years as a lawyer, assisting domestic and foreign professional and commercial clients in negotiations, drafting contracts and looking after their legal interests.
Many clients of Peter appreciate his bilingualism, namely German and Dutch. He has lived in various places in the German language area and has followed part of his training there. He also has specific knowledge and experience about the countries themselves and about the way in which business is done there. He assists entrepreneurs who do business in Austria or Germany or who wish to establish themselves there. He also focuses on entrepreneurs from those countries who want to do business or who want to settle in the Netherlands.
Peter has been advising the Austrian embassy in the Netherlands since 1999, and in 2006 he was appointed Consul General (honorary) of Austria in the Netherlands.
Peter is a member of various professional and specialist organizations, (former) board member of various social and charitable institutions and supports the work of Keren Hajesod.